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Vision & Mission

Rangamati Institute of Nursing strives to be a model of perfection via effective nursing programs, advanced practices, and excellence in research.We graduate extraordinary medical professionals fully compatible to bring revolutionary changes in the health of patients and transform the standards of healthcare and adoption of necessary preventive measures.We are devoted solely to training candidates for the various career opportunities in nursing and other medical disciplines. We believe in delivering academic excellence with perfection in extremely standardized medical practices.

  • Excellence in Nursing Education
  • Compassionate Care.
  • Leadership Development
  • Lifelong Learning


We aim at educating, empowering, and encouraging various medical specialists who encourage the health of patients, families, societies, and communities.The mission also features to intensify and spread awareness about the development and usage of human skills in the betterment of healthcare measures and improving the standards of medical care.


Rangamati Institute of Nursing dedicates its resources to supporting quality-rich nursing programs in an ambiance that concentrates on medical provision beyond the extents of practice, and that supports generating the professional and meditation abilitiesrequired to promote thriving career opportunities and sustained professional learning.